
Itcanbefoundonvariousresources,,whichoffersahugenumberofGCambuilds ...,△Nokia4.2內建3GBRAM及32GBROM,礙於內存空間比較不足的問題,所以用獨立三卡槽來做彌補,使用者可以額外擴充高達400GB的MicroSD記憶卡給手機。,Onthispage,wewillprovideGoogleCameraAPKdownloadlinksforallcompatibleNokiaSmartphonesincludingthelatestNokia3.4,Nokia5.4,No...

How to Install Google Camera in Nokia 4.2 Phone

It can be found on various resources, but we recommend downloading Google Camera on Nokia 4.2 using, which offers a huge number of GCam builds ...

支援獨立Google 助理按鍵,Nokia 4.2 平價機開箱實測

△ Nokia 4.2 內建3GB RAM 及32GB ROM,礙於內存空間比較不足的問題,所以用獨立三卡槽來做彌補,使用者可以額外擴充高達400GB 的Micro SD 記憶卡給手機。

Download Google Camera APK for all Nokia Smartphones

On this page, we will provide Google Camera APK download links for all compatible Nokia Smartphones including the latest Nokia 3.4, Nokia 5.4, Nokia 5.3, ...

Download And Install Google Camera For Nokia 4.2

2023年4月24日 — Download the GCamator app. · Open the app and select Nokia as the manufacturer and 4.2 as the model. · The app will show you the available Google ...


Download GCam for Nokia 4.2 (Google Camera APK Port Install)

Gcam for Nokia 4.2

2019年8月11日 — Anyone have make Gcam mod for Nokia 4.2? I've try installed, is can but always crash and error..maybe some dev cam made port to Nokia 4.2?